Automatic Sales and Prospect Nurturing

Looking for passive income? Quick riches? A "set it and forget it" method to early retirement that makes money while you sleep?

Well, keep looking - because opportunities like those don't exist in the real world.

However, if you're looking for a way to get a relevant message or offer to your prospects at the right time, then check out this case study with Goliath Sourcing Academy . They recently added a "master" automation sequence to achieve automatic sales and nurture prospects purely from organic traffic to their website.

The Problem

Goliath Sourcing Academy (GSA) had an embarrassment of riches when it came to content.  

With almost 40 podcast episodes (each with a targeted content upgrade) plus 3 lead magnets and a sales webinar, GSA had more than enough content to deploy with automation. 

While delivery was automated, there wasn't an organized way for contacts to be directed to the next step in their journey. There were also dozens of automations running in their own "silos", oblivious to each other.

The result was:

  • Thousands of contacts who hadn't been properly exposed to the core or secondary offers
  • Hundreds of tags without a clear naming convention
  • Dozens of automation sequences running without a clear plan to moving the prospect to the take the next step

The Question(S)

How can we automatically move prospects through their journey one step at a time? How can we ensure that they are properly warmed up while having the chance to pursue a paid solution when the time is right for them?

The Solution

A master automation.

One that contains the logic to sift and sort between new subscribers and existing customers. Guiding them to the next step in their journey based on the existing tags in their contact record.

This solution integrates with other automations, by handing contacts over and waiting until a sequence is complete before ushering the contact to the next step of their journey.

master sort automation in activecampaign

The Result

Initial results less than 30 days since launch: two sales generated on purely organic traffic to the client's website.

Prospects enter the automation when requesting content upgrades or a lead magnet. The master automation checks to see if the contact has been indoctrinated or purchased the core offer. 

After those sequences have been completed, the prospect will experience a week of content and value building before seeing the next offer the following week.

The first 30 days of the contact's experience is now mapped out, and they only see the relevant next step for them based on the tags they have or don't have based on the actions they did... or didn't take.

The Interview

Brad Lazarus from Goliath Sourcing Academy sheds light on the steps he took to outline a system that could direct prospects to the next logical step after downloading a content upgrade or lead magnet.

If you've ever wanted to build a "Machine" style master automation or work with an automation consultant, then this is the case study for you!


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