Remove ActiveCampaign Branding from Forms

Looking to remove ActiveCampaign's branding from their forms?

Apparently, you're not alone.

Now I'm a pretty big fan of ActiveCampaign, but in my opinion forcing their branding on paying customers is the wrong move - more on that below (if you're interested).

If you're on a free trial I can understand, but to me a paying customer is a paying customer....even if it is at $9/month. Hopefully they will reconsider.

However, not all hope is lost, you may be able to get rid of the branding the same way that I did.

Here's a video that shows you where to go to remove the AC branding from your forms. 

Okay, so if you're on the Lite plan and you don't see any slider to remove the branding, then here's what you need to do - contact ActiveCampaign support.

That's what I did and they made the branding slider visible in my account, so that I could toggle it off manually as . I demonstrated the video above with my Lite ActiveCampaign account.

However, I did make the request a few years ago, so there is a chance that I might be "grandfathered" in.  According to ActiveCampaign you simply cannot remove the branding if you're on a Lite account

Plan B - Hacking the ActiveCampaign Form Code

If you're using the form code instead of the WordPress plugin, you have the option of removing the code that includes the branding.  It's not as hard as you might think.

  • Step 1 - Copy the form integration code provide by ActiveCampaign
  • Step 2 - Paste the form code into a text editor
  • Step 3 - Use the "Find" option to locate the words "Marketing By ActiveCampaign" (this is the text that's displayed on the form.
  • Step 4 - Isolate the div code and remove it from the rest of the form code
  • Step 5 - Paste the modified code wherever you want the form to appear

Here's the code that you need to remove

(I pasted it into Sublime Text and then did ctrl+F to find the "Marketing by ActiveCampaign" text first)

Here's what the form looks like now - sans the form branding div:

(This is just for demo purposes - please don't submit your name & email below)

Plan C: Use Third Party Software to Build Your Form

The appearance of the form can be changed without altering the code if you use another service as to build a form. A few examples are Thrive Leads, ConvertBox or Gravity Forms.

These form builders allow you to integrate with ActiveCampaign via pasting in the HTML from the form code.

Example: Adding ActiveCampaign form to ConvertBar

ActiveCampaign Should Make Branding on Forms Optional... 

One of the great things about ActiveCampaign is that the Lite plan is all that many businesses need. It includes the ability to email your contacts, set up powerful automation sequences and integrate with your website to track events.

If you outgrow the initial 500 contacts, you can easily upgrade to 1,000 contacts at only $17/month.

The next pricing tier is $49/month - it comes standard with 1,000 contacts, the ActiveCampaign CRM and the ability to do lead scoring (and remove branding).  All of these are nice features to add, but what if you already have a CRM you're using? 

What if you're not quite ready for lead scoring?

Should you really pay the extra $32 each month ($17/month for 1,000 contacts on the Lite plan vs. $49/month for 1,000 contacts on the Plus plan) just to get rid of the branding?

In theory, a business could be paying $45/month for 5,000 contacts - virtually the same price as the base Plus plan...and still not be able to remove the branding.

This seems a little short-sighted if you ask me.

After all, one of the big reasons clients migrated over to ActiveCampaign from other systems like Infusionsoft is that AC did email and automation really well! No messing with shopping carts and affiliate programs that may have been cumbersome, confusing and slowed down the rest of the platform.

Not being able remove the branding feels a little bit like users of the Lite tier are being punished for not wanting the added features, or not being in the position to pay more to use them at the present.

Here's another option for you ActiveCampaign, if you really want to increase the average account spend, get rid of the $9/month option and start with $17 as the base account. Let users remove the branding and give them access to lead scoring.

Keep all the other features at $49 - food for thought?


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  • Awesome post Mike! The topic of branded vs. non-branded has been very popular over the past couple years. More and more you see companies charging their customers for the ability to disable branding. It’s basically a glorified upsell, and frankly there are plenty of instances where it should be free to remove branding (forms from AC being one of them).

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}